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Chronicles of a...

I'll let you fill in the blank. As I sit here and look for the words, I feel blank.

The last time I took to this space, to these words, I sat with...

I sat with different intention, different purpose, different words and a different heart.

My heart has forever in been changed, in the best of ways...

Love found me.

Love encompassed me.

Love filled me.

A love unlike anything else.

A whirlwind of passion, love, dreams, excitement and adventure.

As I sit here now those moments, that laughter, that love echos through my soul.

Filling me, encompassing me.

For this moment the tears have subsided, and the confusion has set in, the disbelief...

I can only reflect on the words said.

I can only reflect on what broke it...

The shattered woman, who was not as whole as she thought was.

So now the repair work begins again.

This time to repair the deeply seeded wounds. The ones that I hid so deep within my shell.

I will breathe again...

I will love again.

But now I long...

I long for that love, that laughter, that touch, that smile, that heart, those dreams...

maybe it will return to me some day for that I do not know...

All I know is that I am grateful for it, for what it taught me, what it showed me...

It showed me real, raw love, raw emotions, it showed me passion and drive, it showed me kindness and patience, it showed me magic.

Nothing less than pure magic.

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