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Love in every form

Last night we celebrated. We danced. We sang. We loved with childlike joy.

Friendship between women is a truly special love. It is a bond than can be stretched to it's breaking point and can snap back like nothing has ever changed. I have spent many years cultivating and collecting the loves of my life - my girls. My tribe.

We ebb and flow like the tides. We grow and change. We grow together. We grow apart. We add new layers. We separate in to pairs, trios, singles. But we always are.

I sit here in the kitchen of one of my dearest compadres. My Chuck. I am her Al. We have had our hard times and we have had the BEST of times. We sit here and we are laughing and we are loving. I love her daughter. I love her husband - he and I have been exchanged in a witty war of words all morning - that is our love. I am listening to them sing with their daughter. Her mothers love has changed her, it was as though it was the love that was missing from her life all along. She is now whole. We are weird. We have weird conversations, and yet they are the best. We laugh. We laugh from our toes. We laugh about everything. We love. We love wholeheartedly. We love with childlike joy.

I love my Totter. My girl. My heart. She is the greatest love of my life. we laugh

I have loved. I will always love. Love is the best gift we can give one another and ourselves.

I am learning (finally) to truly love myself. To love the skin that I am in. To love the eccentricities of me. That I laugh a little too loud. That I am an artist of language. That I am ME.

To love and to be loved. It what it is really all about (not the hokey pokey)

My heart is full. It overflows. I cannot wait for the next love I get to experience. Whether it is a new friendship. A new romantic love.

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