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Oh little one, what is it that you dream...

If you could do anything - what would it be. If you could be the master of your own destiny with no obstacles. Where would you go, what would you do? Me I would do this. This very thing. I would be able to make a living from it. I would be able to live comfortably, to not worry. I need not the extravagant things in life, just the security.

I would live my life with great passion. I would travel the world, experience food, culture, art, life and write about my adventures. I would sit with a glass of wine over looking the ocean writing about my tales of woe, my tales of love, motherhood, fitness, journeys, tales of life. I would watch my daughter go to college unimpeded and unburdened by the debt we are all so saddled with. I would practice yoga daily, I would dance again, I would see the theater with reckless abandon.

As I think about my dreams, I cannot help but wonder why do dreams only feel as such. They at times feel so unattainable. Think about how the world might be a different place if we all followed our dreams. What might we have each become. When you look in the mirror what would you like to see? Where would you like to see yourself?

Some days I think that my misadventures will make their way into print, and this will be it, this will be more forever life. No more waking up to commute to my desk, I will be able to take pictures, take yoga...who knows maybe have some misadventures there - goodness knows yoga misadventures happen. I will be able to work on my fitness, my self...maybe my "love" life. Who knows. But I do know this much, I am sick of only dreaming. I am sick of thinking about what the could be, what the should be, I need to think about what the will be. Here's hoping that someone reads this nonsense, loves this nonsense just as I do and whats the world to read it. Fingers crossed!

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